Gods for SaleThe collection of short fiction, Gods for Sale, won the 2016 Serena McDonald Kennedy fiction contest, and was published in 2017 by Snake Nation Press (available for purchase here: https://snakenationbooks.store/product/gods-for-sale. Misty Urban, author of A Lesson in Manners, writes: "The stories in Gods for Sale are subtle and deep. In just a few strokes, characters spring from the page, vibrantly real and wholly alive in their ambitions and grudges, their passions and yearnings, their failures and disappointments. The elegant, rhythmic prose beautifully orchestrates the building tension as these stories unfold in every direction, the characters' histories, choices, and lost loves rising to the surface of a current dilemma, forcing each of these varied people to a final realization that feels, in every case, inevitable, surprising, dangerous, and right. Drenched with haunting imagery and unforgettable moments, these supremely accomplished stories peer with exquisite, relentless insight into that human territory which every reader will recognize: the quiet, profoundly bewildering landscape of the heart."